编剧杰克·惠廷厄姆 / 约翰·埃尔德里奇
主演博纳·科莱亚诺 / 苏珊·肖 / 勒妮·阿舍森 / 莫伊拉·利斯特 / 厄尔·卡梅伦 / 更多…
类型: 剧情 / 犯罪
制片国家/地区: 英国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 1951-08-13
片长: 85分钟
又名: 伦敦剿匪战

Crime melodrama about two sailors in London, an American open to theft and smuggling and an honest Jamaican, and the crooks and girls they know. A jewel theft goes wrong and those involved must decide whether to try to get away or to do the right thing. Superb photography of postwar central London when almost empty of people on a Sunday.


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